+ 91 93770-55154

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The ThetaHealing Technique

ThetaHealing is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy that uses focused thought and prayer. We believe our training method offers physical, emotional, and spiritual healing by tapping into the Theta brain wave and connecting with the Creator Of All That Is. When we experience this connection, we can reprogram our minds to clear limiting beliefs and think positively. This brings out the best in ourselves and allows us to live our most enlightened, successful lives.

ThetaHealing is always taught to be used in conjunction with conventional medicine. In fact, we train many doctors on how to use this technique. ThetaHealing teaches you to use your natural intuition and rely on the unconditional love of the Creator Of All That Is to do the actual healing “work.” We believe by changing your brain wave cycle to include the Theta state, you can watch the Creator bring forth instantaneous physical and emotional well-being.